Sad day today...this weekend the 2CV's of the Touareg Trail finished in Benin. Sad because I was supposed to be there, having driven 9000 kilometers through Africa.
But fuck Touareg Trail...I just found something better!
I really want to buy an electric one like the Prius or the C-zero, but I'm still struggling with the fact that electricity is still made in factories which run on fossil fuel. And to be honest I don't like the feeling of the Prius. It's a very "plastic" car with not much of a soul.
"Hello I’m your bank manager. I haven’t seen you since the nineties when I shut the branch and told you to talk to the ATM instead. Let me tell you what I’ve been doing since then. I’ve taken your money and invested it in some house scheme in America I didn’t really understand. The result is that my bank has lost most of its capital. So now I need more of your money. I promise you it’ll be really safe. And I guarantee I’ll invest it really smartly. Banks have a credibility problem and it isn’t going away any time soon. After this one, the world’s savers may never trust a bank again. Recessions act as a broom, brushing out the old and making space for new ideas in the world. Nothing returns to normal afterwards. And the biggest mistake most companies make is not in failing to cut costs fast enough. It is to assume that after the recession, it’s going to be business as usual."
Craigslist: "We pay zero attention to brand. We never use the word internally. We do zero advertising. We don't have a logo. We've never done a focus group. We don't care about any of that. And now we're told we have the strongest brand ever for a company our size. That's pretty ironic."
Interesting project by David Lynch! Why are these stories so addictive to hear? Presumably because they are genuine and authentic and told by real people.
Is this a new version of the old skool road movie, a new human interest format, a webisode,...or just an example of the convergence of media and formats? I don't know the answer but it sure works for me!
Long tail example...posted on the Big Tube on June 30 (by Gilthecrab??!!??), 2006 and still getting positive comments. And I didn't know crabs have a Mexican accent...
Yeeeeaaaaah! Proud owner of "Het Zuid" in Antwerp! Den Hopper is mine :-)
10 years after the Nokia Game, this seems to be the real Global Online Game! Launched yesterday and the servers are red hot, lagging everywhere, blogs and forums overloaded with comments...But I (professionally...) wasted my completed morning on buying streets in my beloved Antwerp. Fascinating to see how quickly the streets were being bought by the gamers in a matter of hours.
Simple idea: combine Monopoly and Google maps and play it live across the planet. The world as a board game!
So...make me an offer I can't refuse for some damn fine virtual real estate in Antwerp...
Some say that 140 is the new 69...but others just need more! Well why don't you try Woofer! Here you have to use a MINIMUM of 1400 characters!! This puts the term "micro-blogging" into perspective...
Sometimes 140 characters is enough to make a connection. So why not put your cv on twitter? I did...less is more!! Click here to see the new way of applying for a job.
Will this get me a job? Find out on the next episode of Cut The Crab.
Congrats to Boondoggle! Not only for winning the 5 "gold" Lions but also for putting things in perspective...
I thought this was a joke, but the product actually exists...and viewed by over 1 million times on YouTube. Are that many people having problems with wiping their ass?
The decision is made! Just enrolled for the Touareg Trail. One month of adventures in Africa, 9000 km in a 2CV through Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin.
It's also about helping people who really need it. The rally sponsors real and mainly small, local projects in Africa. Every team can choose their own project. At this moment I've got a school project in Benin on my list, but I'm still looking for more projects to sponsor in the countries I mentioned above.
I'm also looking for brands to sponsor the expedition. It'll be a very campaignable project for brands with a heart.
So Hungry Jack's is actually Burger King down under...Nobody told me, I didn't get the memo! I could have eaten 5 Whoppers instead of only the one I had yesterday...
Established in the Summer of 05/06 Byron Bay.. Australia
'Goon' - An Australian term referring to affordable wine, cask wine or boxed wine. Usually housed in a Silver 'bladder'. (Sauce of the Silver Sun)
STG started from our experiences watching those around us having carefree, loose, but fun times. Whether it's a hard week at uni or work, a weekend surfing or on the backpacker trail, one common denominator is cask wine, also known as 'Goon'. Crew get around the table, share stories and have a good laugh.
Slap the Goon is about connecting people and bringing them together in ways that create good times and great memories.
That's what it's all about, no more, no less.
We decided to play tribute to the 'goon' and its merry ways with our Classic Tee. We now bring you many more designs and our own range of Cask Wine.
So 'Join the Revolution', tell your friends and 'Let the Goon Times Roll'.